Grant Aarons

Grant Aarons


Grant Aarons is the Co-Founder and CEO of FabricNano, a London-based biotech whose mission is to transform industrial chemical processes using cell-free biomanufacturing. FabricNano empowers users with the world's most advanced, flexible, and easily scalable biocatalyst platform.

Before FabricNano, Grant was a Research Analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and while pursuing his PhD at the London Business School, became an Entrepreneur In Residence at Entrepreneur First, an international business accelerator that has created over 300 companies worth over $10 billion.

Grant Aarons - FabricNano - Part 3

Meeting His Co-Founder at Entrepreneur First | Importance of Sales to the Scientific Community | Disrupting the Petrochemical Industry | The Dark Horse of Biology, Synthetic Biology

Grant Aarons - FabricNano - Part 2

The Defensibility of Software Companies | Studying Econometrics at London Business School | Joining Entrepreneur First | Becoming a Biotech Startup CEO & Navigating the Startup Journey

Grant Aarons - FabricNano - Part 1

How NYC Shaped a Love of Engineering | Benefitting from Great Diversity at Cooper Union | Experiences & Opportunities at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York | Impact of the Economy on Deep Tech

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